Businesses of all types and sizes need to make sure that vital paperwork is filed correctly and on hand for when it comes time to file tax returns, remit payroll taxes, and make sure your corporation is in good standing. It’s a time-consuming process that takes longer if you’re not confident in your ability to properly fill out the forms and know how to submit them. These reasons are why this work is often outsourced to bookkeeping services in Vermont for convenience and reduced stress.
However, it’s a good idea to streamline your filing system and make sure you can find what you need with the least amount of effort. Here are some tips to get you on the path to making it easy to file your important business paperwork with the least amount of pain.
The Importance of Streamlining Your Filing Processes
Paper records are still going strong, even in the current day and age of electronic files. They act as an official statement that a transaction was billed and paid for, show that the business properly followed a procedure, show taxes were paid, and more. Your business has to keep these records on hand in case they’re called upon to answer a question or show proof that a required filing was executed properly.
It’s also a given that the paperwork piles up quickly, gets messy, and creates a challenge in the form of organizing it all, even in the most well-run office settings. Taking time out of the workday to clean up the filing system will save you time down the road and speed up document retrieval.
Tips for Creating an Efficient Filing System
The following tips are key organizational strategies that help you clean and organize your filing system, and get it to make perfect sense to anyone who accesses the files.
Get Rid of Unnecessary Paperwork
Going through your files to find papers that you don’t need will only slow you down when you start filling out your paperwork. This results in less time spent looking at each page to figure out if it’s necessary or not as you look for relevant information.
Scan Papers Whenever Possible
Scanning your important papers provides you with a backup copy of the paper version and can speed up the recall process when you need something specific. Make sure to use a naming convention that makes sense and correlates with the physical copy for reference.
Flag Important Files
Sensitive documents are important for a reason, and using a flagging system helps you find them quickly when they’re needed. Use tags with bright colors or highlight them with fluorescent markers to make them stand out from the rest of the files. This comes in handy when it’s time to file a renewal or start tax preparation for Burlington, VT, as well as state and federal taxes.
Make a Calendar for Regular Cleanups
Paperwork is prone to getting messy and disorganized, even with the most organized of filing systems. Set dates on your calendar to remind yourself that it’s time to go through the files for cleaning, making sure papers are where they should be, and purging unnecessary documents.
Make Your Filing Even Easier With the Help of the Clear Accounting Firm
At Clear Accounting, we’re dedicated to making it easier for you to run your business and take away the stress of maintaining your bookkeeping. Our team of CPAs can prepare your taxes, track your income and expenses, and generate monthly or quarterly financial statements. We make it a point to create clear and accurate financial records for your business, enabling you to quickly understand your financial position, options, and when you can make your next move. Contact us today to learn more about our services and what we can deliver.